This is an Easter picture of The Big Guy and MM. All ready to go to church... by the way, she was extra good in church! She sat on my lap most of the service and was a little princess. MM had a big weekend, most of it involved chocolate. She didn't care too much for the peeps. Those are still in the wrapper, and the Big Guy hasn't discovered them yet. MM had a very pretty dress for Easter. I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted in her dress. She fell asleep after church in her car seat. After we got home, I made my salads to take to the in-laws and she stayed in the car seat and slept. By the time she woke up, we were on our way up there, and had to change her clothes so we could feed her lunch. After that was time to hunt for the eggs. That was cute to see, and she enjoyed it more than I thought she would.
I have been way behind on my blogs. I usually like to do them in the evenings, and my comptuer has been at the "Dr" for a week, so I am trying to catch up on everything! I think I got it back on Wednesday. My sister told me I am a bad blogger. I guess I will get the hang of this eventually. It has been a long week.
MM had a good week last week and we haven't been as lucky this week. MM is sick with a virus and I have stayed home with her for a couple of days. I took her to the dr today and lets just hope she is better next week!
I took her to Wal Mart yesterday to pick up more medicine. We were in the craft department and we went by all of the beads in one of the isles. MM said yum yum! Oh MM , those aren't candy , those are beads! She wasn't too happy with that answer!
Aww. Both your loveys are adoreable! Great pic.
Holy moly what a beautiful girl. WOW.
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